Family Reunions
Gatherings Plus makes sure everyone is included when you plan a family reunion.
Gatherings Plus makes sure everyone is included when you plan a family reunion.
Gatherings Plus is big on details, but we’re also big on fun! With the right plan, Family Reunions can be both fun and affordable. We provide a complimentary on-site host or hostess to assist with your reunion activities (that way Aunt Janice doesn’t get lost). We’ll also give everyone a nametag in case you don’t remember your great uncle’s cousin twice removed.
You’re probably already connected with your family on Facebook, but we take family reunion planning one step further: We create your very own online webpage! This online event page allows you to manage and communicate effectively with your family, so no one gets left out of the loop.
Are you hosting your family reunion at a hotel or campground? We negotiate rates, block out hotel rooms, and make all reservations for the entirety of the reunion. Gatherings Plus helps you get the cheapest rates possible for accommodations.